

All I Can Say is that THIS guy is A-MA-ZING!!!

Matter of fact, same goes for the scriptures....
and for inspired ladies, who lift where they stand...
oh, and this guy's pretty dang cool in his own right as well!

Am feeling so very blessed, and loved today.  :)
Hope you are feeling the same.

(Can't wait for NEXT Tuesday night!)


It's That Time of Year.

(source: mormonwiki.com)
Time for the Relief Society's Birthday Dinner, and our's is fast-approaching. 
Just about a week left to pull it all together! 

Is it strange that I'm getting about as giddy over this event as I normally do over
the anticipation of everyone's reactions as they open gifts on Christmas morning?!

Cause giddy is an understatement at this point!

No lie.  Had been hitting an absolute brick wall with the direction we should go for the
event, that is until about last Wednesday or Thursday.  And all of a sudden, the floodgates
opened and it was like EPIC dominoes, that's how easily it's all just fallen together.  Details
are no longer foggy, in fact we're talking crystal-clear here ladies and gents!  And I love it ALL!

Won't spoil the details here yet, but let me just say that this will be momentous.  In all the very
best ways possible.  Each sister should hopefully come away from this upcoming evening with the
most intimate, spiritual experience possible. 



Wish me and my ladies luck.  (:


Tonight I Love...

(source: Google images)
...the epic whirrrrring sound from the wind machines in the next-door orchard blocks.  I find them soothing.  Like a reminder that spring is nie at hand...granted temps may be dropping to a whopping 5 degrees (F) tonight, but I'm excited that it's time to even WORRY again about when too cold is "too cold" for those precious tree limbs.  Today is the first time they've been twirling since 2011 started.  So, in my world it's a BIG deal!  It may be cold now, but in a short while, those bad boys won't have to whirl at all.

Mr LKP loves them cause they remind him of being in the hangars and on the tarmac at the airport... they remind him of what he's certain it'll sound like all the time after he gets his pilot's license and his own little prop plane.  (Though I'll hand it to him, it DOES constantly sound like an airport tonight.  But I'm not sure the sound brings to my mind prop planes....I'm thinking more like helicopters.)

To each their own.  Tomato, tamahto.

Either way, I'm grateful for those noisy blades currently going approx 90 mph.  :)


LKP's Alfredo Sauce

So in life, sometimes we must make concessions.  Like in the fact I won't see my husband for the next 3 days thanks to his work out of town.  Alas, we need to pay bills, and I know he'll be back as soon as he can.  So I cannot protest too much.

In my world of eating, there are plenty of concessions I'm making.  Sometimes that even includes giving up taste.  However, last night I made a stand!

True I shouldn't have corn, however my allergy to rice and wheat is greater than to corn, so I've allowed myself to enjoy Quinoa-Corn pasta, and I'm NOT feeling in the least bit guilty about it either!

What to eat with Quinoa-Corn pasta?  One could always whip up some pasta, toss it in olive oil or butter, and then add a little oregano & basil + shredded Parmesan cheese.  (That uber yummy with Quinoa-Corn Shell pasta, btw.)  However, when planning on devouring Quinoa-Corn Linguini, there is nothing better than ALFREDO SAUCE!!!!!

So that's what I tossed together.  And I'm not being biased here, but it was good.  In my humble opinion, quite good for a new culinary invention from my kitchen that observes & honors those who are gluten-intolerant and have other allergies...which in our house means mainly me.  But I'm just stoked that others can love this one too! 

What was best was my husband's reaction to our belated family vDay dinner (in reality had he been home on Valentine's Day, this is what we'd have eaten)"It's home-made, but restaurant-worthy!  Seriously, babe, like Bella Italia good!"  (Bella Italia has only THE best Italian food in our area; Monterosso's is a close 2nd).  That was music to my ears, and deliciousness to my tummy.  :)

So want my sauce recipe?  I'm willing to share with you my friends.
(BEWARE:  Not vegan, but kudos in the fact it IS gluten-free!  But, not cholesterol-free.)
(Please excuse the terrible lighting & phone shot.  The other cameras' batteries need charging.)

Serves 6-8 people

  • 1 cup Butter (2 sticks-cubed, so will melt down easier)
  • 2 cups Half & Half
  • 2 cups Cream Cheese (cubed, so will melt down easier)
  • Pepper to taste (probably close to 1/4 tsp I reckon)
  • Kosher salt to taste (1-2 pinches should do)
  • 5 oz. Shredded Parmesan Cheese
  • 3/4 tsp Garlic Powder (optional if allergic)

RULE #1-  Take. Your. Time.  If this is rushed it will scald or curdle which is NAS-TAY!  Plus, when taking the proper time, the garlic flavor will literally open up--which is so much more satisfying, according to Mr LKP.
RULE #2-  You'll need a good sized sauce pan for this, as you don't want to waste a single drop! 
RULE #3-  You'll have to stir A. LOT. during the first half of this recipe, so do your wrist exercises prior so you're strong.  Or you can draft in some help from the hubby or one of your able-bodied kids.

1.  While stirring, melt butter down, using medium-low heat.
2.  Add cream cheese chunks, and continue stirring.
3.  Once texture has smoothed, add salt, pepper, garlic (if using), and half & half.  Continue stirring until well-blended.  Let alone from there until begins to simmer.  NOT A BOIL.  Simmer.  Turn the heat down if needs be, but make sure it simmers.
 4.  Once the simmer has started, begin stirring again.  Slowly add parmesan cheese.  Allow to return to simmer.  Should simmer approximately 10 minutes.
5.  Using ladle, add to readied pasta.  Enjoy!

**Mr LKP swears it would be so good to place a grilled chicken breast with mushrooms on a small bed of pasta, and then ladle the sauce, piping-hot, over the top!  If you try that variation before we do, let us know.**

Happy Alfredo-ing, my lovelies!


New Blogging Plan

So, I'm trying to balance life more effectively.  And after the past 6 weeks we've had here on the Ranch, balancing is requiring a huge OVERHAUL of our day-to-day life.

Blogging is not immune.

I still have my designated blogging days, however I had a brainstorm.

As awesome as my Google Reader is, it was becoming a source of grief in my life.  I'd see all this blogging activity mass-producing at exponential rates (posts counting OVER 400+), and feel guilty for missing every single detail.

Problem with catching every detail in the blogosphere?  Then I miss every detail going on in my family.
I hate having to choose, but those who know me and love me will understand when I say that I am choosing my family (and my own sanity) first.

But this doesn't mean I want to lose touch either.  Just everything in moderation.

Therefore, my Google Reader got put on the chopping block and is now no longer.  I've simplified my iGoogle homepage, so I get the necessary basics at first glance.  All of my favorite blogs have been moved to my extended toolbar which pops up on the side.  This way I can just go down the line when I find the time, and see what updates and details have come through in your life since the last time I stopped in.

To me, it seems simple-enough... 

Trust that you are all there.  My screenshot only shows so much.  And oddly enough it's NOT all in alphabetical order!  (Which is VERY bizarre for me, thank you to my OCD.  ::wink::)  I promise.

So, know that I haven't given up on you all.  I just had to reorganize my priorities and what is competing for my attention.  If it seems like a long time since my last comments on your turf, don't fret.  I'll be back.  There's just gardens to plan, dirt to move, sagebrush to rip out, "ranching" to do, Mini-Me's softball to run around for, 8th grade fundraising to do, photos to shoot, Mr LKP's scouts to help out with, RS activities to plan & carryout, single-parenting to do when Mr LKP's out of town working, life to live, and breathing--as well as sleeping--to corner the market on. 


Know that you're still in my heart and on my mind, even if the Ranch sounds a bit quiet.

BTW, if you're at all interested in what's competing for my attention from my nightstand, it's these books:
All are great reads.  Nab one if you're in need of some healthy reading!


What I Believe: Investment =The Big Pay-Off

"Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities."  
-The Family: A Proclamation to the World

I know this is true.  I witnessed it repeatedly all weekend.

I mentioned that we'd celebrated Mr LKP's birthday at his parents' house the other night.  And since then, I haven't been able to shake how incredibly happy I've been (Not that I WANT to really, it's just kind of surprising at how elated I've been all because of a night spent with family), nor quantify it all in words.

Until now.

Now don't get me wrong on being surprised either.  I do so very much love my in-laws, as I love all of the family we have been blessed with.  It's just that something was outstandingly different this time...or perhaps made so much more obvious this time.

The meal, as was also mentioned, was scrumptious.  I'm not sure the deliciousness stopped at the recipes used nor the spices employed.  Perhaps everything tasted better because of the company kept while enjoying the meal...AND dessert.

Mr LKP's grandmother, aunt, sister, and step-grandmother left to tend to some things at their houses.  Our niece and her brothers were picked up by their mom to head home to Idaho.  One of the other nephews decided to stay longer with us for some boardgames.

We enjoyed a fabulous game of "What's Yours Like?" with Mr LKP's mom.  We laughed, and giggled in spite of ourselves.  Mini-Me finished up some homework, and then we quickly broke for some more cookies and drinks before starting another game.  Before heading back into the game table, I stopped at my FIL's room to ask him a mild-mannered question.

ONE question launched us into an hour-long conversation, and a fabulous opportunity to ask him MANY questions.  But mostly it afforded me plenty of opportunity to just sit at his feet and LISTEN.  He and I haven't had such a conversation since Mr LKP was deployed.  I've been missing those kinds of covo's with him.

What was also a fantastic side-blessing of that was that the others went ahead without me as they played a new challenging game we have, called "Dicecapades."  NONE of us had played it before, therefore there was the added difficulty of figuring out how it all worked.  To my complete and utter amusement, while I was talking with my FIL, we could hear rousing laughter and hollering and merriment not only coming from the game players, but most especially from my MIL!  She normally maintains a very quiet voice.  So to hear her enjoying herself and time with her grandkids was most wonderful.  My FIL and I couldn't stop smiling each time another wave of amusement came from the dining room, during that hour.

It's true what is said that, "The family that plays together, stays together."

And after this weekend of time spent with my in-laws, and some time spent with my dad's family Saturday, and some time spent with members of my mom's family (there was a baby shower Friday night), and even time spent with Mini-Me's dad's family (his parents came to Mini-Me's last home basketball game on Thursday night), I believe simply it isn't always about playing.  In fact, I believe that the family that interacts together, stays together......whether that interaction is over a meal, or a board game, or over photo albums, or over memories, or over life's victories, or over life's sadnesses.....the details can be so different.

The DETAILS only matter most as long as they are the details that pull us all together again.

"To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there."  

BEING THERE is the key.  It's a verb; an action.  
  • It requires undivided attention.  It requires putting the cellphone, or iPod, or laptop, or iPad, or video games away.  
  • It requires being in the moment together. 
  • It requires our authenticity; it requires everything we've got to actually BE THERE
  • It requires investment.


Plain and simple, the family that invests in each other, stays together--which IS eternal happiness!
(source: google images)

If You'd like your own copy of The Family: A Proclamation to the World, you can help yourself below:
The Family a Proclamation to the World                                                            


Rommadon 2011

It's started.  With less than a bang, but it started nonetheless.

Always kicks off on Mr LKP's birthday, February 12th.

Unfortunately this year, Mr LKP finally got caught up with by a nasty virus, that we were worried may become bronchitis (which he gets quite easily in the past several years).  Therefore, Saturday, he sacked out on the couch all. day.  Just him, some anti-biotics, lots of fluids, and the entire director's-cut "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.  No Sweetheart's dance this year.  No romance.  Not even cake & ice cream at my dad's house.

Instead, Mini-Me and I ran to Costco (I KNOW, on a Saturday = suicide) for groceries.  Then we stopped off at Kohl's to pick up his birthday & Valentine's Day presents (new running shoes, new basketball shoes, new basketball shorts--all thanks to the rock-bottom-priced clearance shoe section and a mega sale on the shorts + a rocking 15% off coupon).  From there we stopped by my dad's to pick up Mr LKP's gift from them (new set of scriptures with his name engraved on them {{bonus points for the name!}}).  Then home to take care of the sick birthday boy.

Apparently Anti-B's and sleep is exactly what he needed, since he was awake and chipper and ready for church the next day.  He was so cute when he was doing the traditional kid-getting-aftering as he told Mini-Me, "Hurry up, 'cause my new scriptures and I have a date scheduled with church!" (Church really did rock, btw.  And remember those crazy ward boundary realignments from a few weeks back that have us now in the new Snake River Ward?  Yeah well, it was announced yesterday that at Stake Conference this next coming Sunday, our stake will be split!  All sorts of changes, everywhere.  And I'm LOVING it!!!)

We celebrated Mr LKP's birthday, along with two other birthdays from earlier in the month, at my in-laws after church.  My FIL jumps at every chance he can to fire up that Traeger grill of his!  :)  This time it was pork roast and it. was. lovely.  Add to that some yummy seasoned quinoa, some buttered green beans, and some special fruit salad made just for me, I wound up with a very full tummy at the end of it all.  Mr LKP had made me a new batch of GF Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies the other night (he added extra honey to the recipe and went non-vegan with MANTECA!), so I enjoyed-me some warm cookies with vanilla ice cream for dessert, and didn't feel left out even in the slightest! 

Enter Today:  Valentine's Day.  Mr LKP headed off to work bright & early.  Mini-Me headed to school.  I laid in bed recovering from a huge allergy-attack followed by a good dosing of Benedryl (...thank you, animals, for the itchy skin, hives, and swollen-shut left eye!  Next time keep whatever you've rolled in to yourself, 'mkay?  I don't want it, and I definitely DON'T want it all over my bed anymore!  Apparently you meant well with the gesture, but next time, just don't.).  Pulled myself outta bed and into the shower around 10am, and then to the computer to put together some valentines for Mini-Me's fellow basketball girls (as they all played their last game of the season in a town about 45 minutes away tonight).  Met one of the other basketball moms at the school around 1pm to put 'em all together (approx. 30, including scorekeepers, coaches, and their bus driver).  Turned out so cute!  Here's what was on the outside of each brown-paper sack:
Inside was a bottled water, a clementine, some fruit snacks, some trail mix, and some pretzels.  All healthy, and perfect prior to a game. I didn't make it to the game due to the distance, but the girls played well.  They went into overtime, and then only lost by one point!  Mini-Me said it was their best game of the entire season.  I figure if you're gonna go out, then do so on the highest note possible.  And that's exactly what those scrappy girls accomplished tonight!  :)  She was so proud!

To celebrate the end of her first-ever basketball season, she & I went to dinner at one of our favorite little local joints.  (Just her & I since Mr LKP's out of town with work tonight.)  It was fun because everyone that entered the place was two-by-two.  Veeeeeerrrrry romantic!  Since Mr LKP got new running shoes, and Mini-Me got a new book for their Valentine gifts from me, I decided that for MY gift I wanted to treat  someone else to their dinner.  So, Mini-Me & I were on a mission all night as we ate, and watched every couple who came through the door.  We watched to see what people were ordering (as we didn't want to pay for their alcohol).  Then finally, just before we were ready to leave, she & I looked at each other and knew EXACTLY which couple would be our special couple.  They were so sweet.  Mid-twenties.  Clean-cut.  She was dressed in her nicest dress, he was in a handsome button-up shirt and tie.  He was so polite and attentive to her.  They'd been offered a small table for two near a window, yet had asked instead to be seated at a larger round table in the center of the restaurant, this way they could sit beside one another.  They talked the WHOLE time, and always looked each other in the eyes.  It was encouraging to see two people in a restaurant full of couples, who were NOT attached still to their phone or digital device.  It was nice to see them invested in one another.  So they were our couple!

We paid as we left, and took care of their meal, and our tip just before walking out the door.  As Mini-Me and I were buckling-up, she said to me, "Mom, I will always wonder what their reaction was."  Just before I put the car in reverse, I happened to glance up and see our server talking to the couple, motioning to our old table.  I told Mini-Me, that we had just been given a glimpse at that reaction.  She looked and saw that our server was smiling ear-to-ear, and the gentleman smiled as he shook his head puzzled at the gesture.   With that, we were gone.  Not wanting to linger too long.  It was THE best Valentine's present ever.  My heart was warm, my eyes were wet.  And my daughter got to witness how miraculous it felt to be part of a blessing.  :)

So, Happy Valentine's Day to each of you & your families.  (We haven't forgotten you, just have been busy.)  Also, Happy Day #3 of Rommadon!  May it only get better from here.  :)


LOOK GOOD-FEEL GOOD: a Worthwhile Workshop

Class?   Say it with me...."SCREAMING SUCCESS!"....very good.

(Top: Note Booklet  Bottom: Handouts)
Yep, the RS Activity/Meeting went so splendidly.  We had a packed house.  The place was a-buzz with laughter and friendship.  Everybody got to know everybody in the new ward (well, the everybodies that attended the night that is)We played a fun ice breaker game as everyone was arriving.  Then we went full-swing into our workshop, which was complete with 3 classes.

Chelsea taught "Dressing in the World, But Not of the World"
Nadine taught "Body Love: Achieving Your Own Best Nutrition"
and Sarah taught "Finding Your Fabulous!"

Each gal was an expert in her field + a fellow daughter of God, as well as awesome wives and mothers.  So not only do they KNOW their stuff, they know how to work it all into everyday life.  Which for some of us is a little elusive.  As for their expertise, Chelsea is the one & only go-to-girl for make-overs, personal shopping, & wardrobe reviews over at her makeyouover blog.  Nadine has been a dietician (aka Nutritional Counselor) at one of our local hospitals for over 18 years.  Sarah is an instructor/trainer at LifeQuest Fitness Center (she has taught a very cool 'BodyFlow' class for over a year now...she's also one of my dearest friends, which puts her even higher on the cool-ometer than about 1/2 a sentence ago).

See, I TOLD you they were gurus!  ;)

Each class ran approximately 30 minutes with a few minutes between classes for transition into the next classroom.  Our speakers had phenomenal info directly meant for us women (and not the typical "This is how you secretly feed your kids broccoli in their cookies." or "Here's how to make a gajillion freezer meals for your husband who has to work late." or "Be sure your shoes & stockings match the hemline of your skirt." or "Feel the burn!")Each opened their class up for Q&A at the end, and some spectacular questions were asked.  Which opened up even further dialogue on matters that we all are facing no matter our age or stage in life. 

Highlights from Chelsea's class were that we learned that it's important for us to find our own style (
we have to love it, that way we will always feel our best...sometimes this means tossing some traditional "wardrobe rules" out the window).  We also need to insist on proper fit (let's face it, when stuff doesn't fit right, we're not at our best since we're worried about how uncomfortable we feel)We even learned a gajillion ways to wear scarves & belts.  She shared some great bargain-finding secrets (that's right, it doesn't have to cost a million bucks in order to LOOK like a million bucks)And my favorite tidbit she gave us was that a "good sale doesn't equal a good buy!" (I just HAVE to remember that one.  Sometimes I'm so in love with the price that I don't give the fit or style another thought.  And then guess what?  It just hangs in my closet and I wind up hating it.  Chelsea's a fashion GENIUS!)

From Nadine's class we got a message of self-charity.  Not selfishness, mind you.  No, self-charity; which includes respect, gratitude, and love for our own body.  It means no longer weighing our value or physical worth against the plastic expectations society hammers us with (like whenever we're in public, people-watching, with movies, in church, or in the check-out line staring at Cosmo, etc) She went over what's called Body Love.  And in the pointers regarding BL, I love this one: "Count your blessings, not your blemishes."  She also taught us how to be better listeners when it comes to our body's language (we may not ACTUALLY be hungry...perhaps our body is wanting a glass of water or a nap....just because we find ourselves getting incoming body messages doesn't mean they all revolve around food....and just cause the TV's on doesn't mean snacks are a necessity to the experience). Her info tied back into stuff we learned in Chelsea's class about wearing comfortable clothes that we like and are well-structured & the proper fit for our body as it is now....which is great since it IS the body we have now, and if we despise it now we won't have it for later.  Therefore we should find every reason to love what we have today!  My favorite tidbit from Nadine's handout was, "Consider this: your skin replaces itself once a month, your stomach lining every five days, your liver every six weeks, and your skeleton every three months.  Your body is extraordinary--begin to respect and appreciate it."  (All I can say to that is: AND HOW!)

And finally, Sarah's class was a perfect way to wrap the night up.  Like the other two women she relied on some really fantabulous scriptures, as well as personal experiences, with her testimony woven throughout her information.  Mainly she impressed upon us why its important for us to move.  That's right, MOVE!  That's all she requested of us.  Plus, she shared various ways how each & every one of us CAN move more, no matter our age or stage in life.   For instance, if we sit at our desks all day, then we should make it a point to get up from the desk 2x/day.  If we're stuck in the car chauffeuring kids, grandkids, etc then we can MOVE by doing crunches and deep breathing while at the stoplight.  She went over some basic exercises and modifications which will work for any body or within any limitations.  She shared some great info from the folks at the Mayo Clinic.  She gave outside-the-gym ideas like walking, canoeing/kayaking, housework, playing with kids/grandkids, running.  Then her Q&A's at the end rocked since there are a few people who just wanted tips as they're entering marathon training season.  Others had questions about why their hair's falling out the more active they get (which she deferred to Nadine first for "professional" advice, and then followed up with what she recommends at the gym such as dietary journaling, that way we can track what's going into our bodies and what's being expelled from our bodies....which'll make it easier to know the WHYS rather than just shooting in the dark)Sarah brought up metabolic rates (resting vs. fat burning), and encouraged us to start doing the math so we can be more accountable in our habits; both in what we eat and how we MOVE (or don't depending each person).  She most eloquently brought up how we NEED to be making as many UNPROCESSED food choices as possible.  I especially loved that she taught us from Eve's example.  Sarah instructed us to think about what Eve did IN the Garden, and then what Eve did OUT of the Garden (including what she ate and physically did) Then Sarah went on to point out that Eve didn't just sit around waiting for Adam to cater to her every whim.  instead, Eve worked and she worked HARD.  She gave every ounce of her life everything she had (literally to the fullest measure)Therefore, we have no excuses.  We should not only do more, but out of gratitude we should WANT to do more.  Heavenly Father made us women multi-taskers for a reason!  (To best illustrate this, Sarah shared an example of a local sister who faithfully comes into the gym, early every morning, with her big old set of scriptures.  She moves and sweats and studies her scriptures all at the same time!  Completely rad, right?)  For absolute end of Sarah's class, prior to some healthy & delicious refreshments, she had 7-day comp passes to her gym available for everyone there, AND she drew 3 lucky winners' names for complimentary consultations/training sessions with her!  (How every cool is that?!)

Also, just before we ended the night and closing prayer was said, gluten-intolerance came up (not by me either), and apparently its something that's affecting a lot more sisters and their families than we had ever realized.  Between those of us who are dealing with gluten-intolerance day-to-day, Nadine (our nutritionist), and another sister (who happens to own a different gym), there was oodles of conversation about gluten.  And that last sister has been working lately with her chiropractor in seminars and workshops regarding Gluten.  Her chiropractor's willing to have a  seminar in two weeks if our ward is interested.  Turned out SOOOOOO awesome, and fit everything from the night!

In retrospect, the whole she-bang (every class...every single bit) went hand-in-hand together.  Each speaker brought up some phenomenal scriptures and quotes that really strengthened every individual there, and I believe the evening fortified the relationships withing our Relief Society.  We not only learned a whole lot of wonderful information, but we also learned that we have amazing resources within one another.   It was a beautiful experience!


What I Believe: Postcards from Cloud #9

"Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God."  
While finishing the last few details for this month's Relief Society activity, I'm finding myself one Cloud #9.

Our night is called, "Look Good-Feel Good: A Worthwhile Workshop."  It sounds all wonderful, and it is!  But my most favorite part is one little word, halfway hidden in the title:


The concept of my own self-worth is something I've struggled with since my teen years.
Now, I KNOW that I am a daughter of my Heavenly Father.  But I need help remembering how cool that really is... and not just cool, but how magnificent!

Sometimes when I picture myself in that light, it's still a bit clouded in vision.  Sadly, I often forget the full meaning of being a daughter of God.  Instead, I see myself as a disheveled, wilted little girl off to the side, away from the bustle.  My dress is mussed and dingy from being in the dirt.  My tiara is tarnished and off kilter... barely still on my head.  Where there should be grace, I see clumsiness.  I don't FEEL like the quintessential princess most people think of when they think of royalty.

While wrapping up preparations for this activity, I've had the privilege of stumbling upon some pretty amazing quotes.  They have warmed my heart, as the Holy Ghost has said "Remember?  You learned this before, and it's still true."  The remembering has stained my cheeks with tears, and reignited my determination to remember for longer this time.  They are new-to-me-words, or familiar words just organized a little differently from one speaker to the next, but the message is always the same:
He loves me, therefore I AM of great worth.


Interested in refueling your own self-worth tanks?  Feel free to help yourself:

"Always remember the outside of a person usually doesn't tell the whole story."

"All the wonders you seek are within yourself."
-Sir Thomas Brown

" Each of us comes into this world separately, one by one. This is not an accident. I think it's the Lord's way of reminding us of the infinite worth of each soul."
-Dwan. J. Young

"Our task is to become our best selves. One of God's greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final." 
-President Thomas S. Monson

"As we mature spiritually under the guidance of the Holy Ghost, our sense of personal worth, of belonging, and of identity increases."
-James E. Faust

"When you understand your worth as a daughter of God, you will have a greater desire to turn your weaknesses into strengths and radiate the light of Christ."

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our Light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you...As we let our Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
-Marianne Williamson

"You did not come to this world to get your self worth.  you brought it with you."
-Sister Ardeth Kapp

(source: google images)
Are you feeling spiritually fed & own sense of self-worth refreshed yet?
After those inspired words, it's hard not to come away on Cloud #9!  
With that title of "Heavenly Daughter" comes more than just the mere idea of royalty.  
...::readjusting tiara::... 
Can't wait to have you join me here.  :)

Oh, and if you're a sister in the new Snake River Ward, we'd be more than delighted to share tonight's fabulousness with you!  So please come out to the Church starting at 6:30pm.  Your worth is great, and it won't be the same without you.


***Originally I had this credited this to Nelson Mandela.  However, thanks to my awesome blogging sleuth, Jen, it turns out that Mr. Mandela only quoted the above quote and Marianne Williamson actually penned it.  So, kudos to Marianne Williamson for being so inspired and sharing it with the world.  And super-kudos to Nelson Mandela for taking notice of magnificence and quoting Marianne Williamson!  :)


Photo-A-Week Project

Remember how I need another project on my over-flowing plate?
Remember how I need another hole in my head?

...Yeah, so did I.

However, this project seems more manageable.  And I'm excited about it!

Over at BlogFrog, I decided to launch a community for those of us in love with photography.

It's not necessarily reserved for those who are experts.  It's open to any and everyone, even those who still shoot Polaroids (though that requires some scanning, etc. but you get the idea), no matter the level of skill!

Really, this pet project is simply to encourage us all to dust off our camera bags, get behind the lens and shoot more....or even to dig out some old shots and brush up our post-processing skills more frequently...AND it's mostly to encourage us to get creative (again) + SHARE our work!  

The more we share, the more CONFIDENT we'll become.  The more confident we are, the more risks we'll be willing to take as far as doing more with our photos, such as try new techniques, enter photo contests, or possibly even dive head-first in and ACTUALLY SELL some of the art we create.   Cause that's exactly what we are, we're artists and photography is our medium. 

CONFIDENCE is everything, my friends!

Perhaps I did this mostly for me, since I've felt like I've been in a creative slump lately.  Maybe I'm looking for an excuse to JUSTIFY my need to shoot more often, or to scout new locations, or simply step out of my own life and into the world around me for a few moments....I actually think I just need mostly a reason to pause & recognize that God has blessed me....and that what I do IS of worth. 

Also, I figure that if this helps me, perhaps there are other shutterbugs out there who need this excuse as a creative kick-in-the-pants as well.   

(And since it's only a photo-a-week, I'll be more likely to stick with the project.  Not gonna lie, I'm sorta ADD and I don't have the attention span or stamina for a daily photo project...the moment it feels like a chore, that's the moment I fall out of love with the idea and give up.)

So, if you're interested, "hop" on over and join us in all the fun!
(Get it?  HOP on over to my BlogFrog community?  Hee hee!)
  P.S. If you've been following for at least the last two months, then you'll recall THE GREAT LAPPY-CRASH OF 2011 (not unlike the lappy crash recorded in the video below...wait for it.....wait for it!) and how it rendered this post visually unfinished.  Well great news!  I found the images I thought I'd lost for the post on my Picasa web album.  So check out the post towards the end so we can tie up the Christmas gift report's loose ends that I just KNOW you've lost sleep over!  ;)



...who is so OVER hardwood floors?
...who has found their home to be colder since switching to hardwood flooring, thus increasing the winter power bills?
...who misses carpet...yummy, cozy, soft Berber...or ANY soft carpet under foot?
...who misses the comfy, warm, quiet feeling in a home with the the SOUND of carpet?
...who misses using her vacuum on a regular basis?
...who is OVER having to sweep up this nastiness every 10 minutes?!
(We'd like to thank not only the "Academy," but also the Confederation of Critters of the Gusty Ridge Ranch.)

...who is sick & tired of being sick & tired?  
...who is especially tired of allergies?  
...who is especially tired of these allergies manifesting in the freakiest ways at the most awkward times?
(I don't even remember what I ate....or perhaps it was whatever I stirred up with my sweeping & dusting, but out of nowhere suddenly the upper right part of my cupid's bow started to feel hot, and painful.  Literally, it was only a matter of moments and I could FEEL that area of my lip tighten due to the swelling.  I almost wondered if it was a delayed reaction from a bite or sting of some sort.  It was that distinct.  I took this picture so I could text it to Mr LKP since I'd been talking to him on the phone when the reaction occurred---he jokes that I'm allergic to him---and then I reached for my Costco-sized bottle of Benadryl.  Within 10 minutes, my lip was fine with no indication anything had been wrong.  UGH!  Can't stand when I have no control over what my body does!  Plus it sorta freaked me out, since this all happened so fast and it was on my lip....and that's not far from my throat.  I've had my allergies really trigger my asthma before....and I've had my eyes swell shut multiple times, but nothing as far as an anaphylactic reaction.  Luckily that wasn't the case this time either, but it makes me more & more nervous as I recognize I have no say over what type of reactions I get or how or where!  Means anaphylactic is a TOTAL possibility.  Guess I better be more careful or pay more attention.)
Turns out that my word for 2011, PERSEVERANCE, was inspired for my life...in more ways than one!

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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