

It's That Time of Year.

(source: mormonwiki.com)
Time for the Relief Society's Birthday Dinner, and our's is fast-approaching. 
Just about a week left to pull it all together! 

Is it strange that I'm getting about as giddy over this event as I normally do over
the anticipation of everyone's reactions as they open gifts on Christmas morning?!

Cause giddy is an understatement at this point!

No lie.  Had been hitting an absolute brick wall with the direction we should go for the
event, that is until about last Wednesday or Thursday.  And all of a sudden, the floodgates
opened and it was like EPIC dominoes, that's how easily it's all just fallen together.  Details
are no longer foggy, in fact we're talking crystal-clear here ladies and gents!  And I love it ALL!

Won't spoil the details here yet, but let me just say that this will be momentous.  In all the very
best ways possible.  Each sister should hopefully come away from this upcoming evening with the
most intimate, spiritual experience possible. 



Wish me and my ladies luck.  (:


mCat said...

Can;t wait to hear all about it.

And this is about the only time that I actually go to RS - bad of me much?

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I can't believe you are making us wait.
I promise I won't tell anyone.

I know it will be fabulous, simply because you are having open floodgates and all!

Excited to see the pictures.

~j. said...

Good luck! Hope you'll share a report when it's finished.

Lisa Loo said...

Congrats on your bright idea--can't wait to hear the details!

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