My dear-love of a friend, Heidi, has got her BOX OF AWESOME 2010 giveaway going on! And you just might win by adding your 2 cents as to what the winning contents should be! I won one last year and it was HEAVENLY!!! I didn't get around to doing a post on the contents, and sadly it's all either packed away or was DEVOURED a long, long time ago. Bad, bad me. But trust me when i say that it was all wonderfully AWESOME!!!
Inside the Box of Awesome,
there WAS both awesomeness AND attractiveness:
- A homemade SNUGGIE!!! So cool, and soooo ahead of its time. That's right, I owned a Snuggie BEFORE 2009's Christmas trend! Woot woot!!!
- Yummy homemade marshmallow-caramels. They were UNBELIEVABLY, wicked-good!
- A photo tin. Came with a painted wooden base that had "My Favorite Things" across the front in vinyl lettering. A piece of tin slid into the base and 4 of her fabulously quaint magnets kept my photos on the tin. (The whole thing sat on my piano until I packed all our framed pictures up the other day.)
- The sweetest flower magnet. Can't decide if its a zinnia or a chrysanthemum. Either way it has oodles & oodles of happy-inducing petals that I adore each time I see it on my fridge!
- The cherry on top is that the Box of Awesome came with a tremendously fun & wonderful friendship! The past year with Heidi has been a blast. So wonderful to have someone to share idiosyncrasies with, and favorites with; and seriously she & her family are just stinkin' AWESOME!!! She's even related to some of my favorite people from life. Remember the "This is Your Life" bit on sesame street? Yeah, there was A LOT of that this year!
Heidi makes the absolute BEST stuff, and she will turn out to be one of your greatest blog friends ever.
"I never lie!"

(P.S. did you know they ARE making a Kung-Fu Panda 2?!?!?!
Yeah, it's called the "Kaboom of Doom"...SQUEEEEE!!!!!)
You're awesome!
I think we'll be in the Tri-Cities that weekend. If you need a place to stay though, our house is open to you. We might be home. Give me the exact dates. Either way, you're welcome. :)
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