

An Affair to Remember

Alright, I'll admit it.  
I'm having a seriously mad love affair.
With these:
 Under Armour Skinny Headbands!
These are absolutely, positively (as Cherie would say, lol) THEBOMB.COM!!!
I have tried Goody's skinny headbands, as well as almost every other brand under the sun.  Each one proved to be a no-go, if not a complete disaster.  Too big for my head, or too slippery, or too round, or TOO FLIMSY altogether.  None stood the test of time, which was a full day in my old orthodontic office.  I must say, that these ones are lovely!
Super duper elastic-y, as well as perfectly flat. 
Looking for some?
I grabbed mine at Sports Authority @ $9.99 for a 6-pk.
Serious as a heart attack, they're worth every penny!
It's A-game night
so I'm gonna rock the new skinny headband to volleyball!

***UPDATE: Yep, the headband's still in the EXACT position it was when I left for volleyball tonight (and it's well PAST midnight)!!!  All the playing, & horsing around, & sweating...and it's picture perfect.  I'm definitely OVER THE MOON NOW!***


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

You're so cute, you'd look good bald. Forget the headband! (but they are cute too)

CB said...

Hey those look cool - and they are the bomb.com!! Ha Ha
My daughter Katie would absolutely love these - If I would have known I could have sent her some in her birthday box!
We LOVE under armour anything around here!
You lookin' good sistah!!

Valerie said...

I popped by from Cherie's blog and had a fun visit here! These headbands look great. I might have to go pick up a package.

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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