

Got the Nod

Things are a-go.
Looks like we'll close by April 30th on my own
wee patch of heavenly dirt: our little 7 acre ranch!

That means we can start moving in May 1st.  So many things to go through....and pack...and put on Craig's List.

Which brings us back to my earlier dilemma...what to name it?
It has a fabulous ranch-gate archway over the entry to the driveway,
one which deserves a very fetching title on iron suspended from it.
A friend suggested the other day of just going with the obvious "LatchKey Ranch."  Still feeling that one out.

With a great name there will need to come a great branding iron...cause ya know, it's only natural that before too long, we will need to have herds of cattle...and horses...and chickens...well and we already are apparently started on the herd of dogs.  And they'll all need to be marked.  Well, ok, maybe not the chickens...and our dogs might not thoroughly enjoy being branded either.
This is kinda what's come into my mind....the key makes the L....perhaps the key will have to become more rudimentary in style....but that's my thought so far.  But I want MORE of your ideas!
So, don't hold back.  Knock my socks off!


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

How 'bout Ding Dong Ranch? That sorta makes more sense doesn't it?

Congrats on getting your piece of 7 acres! Lucky!!!!
I wanna see you branding the dogs though....I'm sure they won't mind that one little bit!

Heidi D said...

Congratulations Miss K! That's very exciting. What does the house look like? Were is the property?

What's the name of the street? What are the characteristics of the new digs? I need all of this to help you formulate the names. I can't believe you didn't love any of the ones I previously suggested! Who wouldn't love Romm Romm on the Range!?!

CB said...

Tauna is a crack up - I love "Ding Dong Ranch"! Ha ha
Seriously though I don't know if I can do better than what you have come up with. The key looking like an "L" for Latchkey Ranch is pretty perfect for you!

The only other thing I can think of is Red Velvet Ranch (in honor of Seth's cake) but that just sounds like a Hooker's retreat!!! Ha Ha

Good luck with your party tonight!! I have one too :D

Lisa Loo said...

How truly exciting!! I wish I had an arch--I want to name my 20 acres--"Got Cows?"

Your choice with the brand seems fabulous. The only thing I could think of was "Keeper Ranch" Key..per Or something like Rivers Keep--I know--i got nothin"...

I do love the Red Velvet Hooker Ranch tho--still laughing...

LKP said...

River's Keep has a nice sound to it, for sure....now i'm thinking it shoulda been in on the poll! dang it. aw, cwap-face!

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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