

Daydream Believer

Calling all wordsmiths out there!
Even if you have an affinity for Scrabble, Boggle, crosswords, a good game of H-O-R-S-E, or even teaching english/Language Arts, your skills are severely needed in my head.  That's right, I need you, Mr or Mrs or Miss or Ms Walking-and-Breathing-and-Living Thesaurus!

(Nobody freak out on me over this, OK?)
So, there's a little patch of dirt with a cute little dwelling on it that I've fallen in love with.  It's not official, it's just something we're looking it to at this time.  (no coveting involved) But you see, I'm the visual, daydreamin', like to imagine it kinda gal.  This patch of dirt is 7 acres.  So, you brilliant word people come in here. 

Supposin' it were to work out that this patch of dirt were to be obtained by Mr LKP, it needs a name.  It needs something that will be amazing in a big ol' metalwork sign at the entrance to the property.  It's kind of a ranch/homestead type of a place.  Atleast that's the feel I get when I'm there.  Doesn't have any livestock on it, however it very well could in the future...easily.  So, I like the place and I almost like "LatchKey Ranch."  I've even toyed with "Bailey's Acres" after my old radio persona, however I'm also suffering from a severe case of daydreamer's block!  (Needs a good flow to it.  Where it rolls off the tongue with ease.) 

And who knows, maybe it never works out...::shrugs::

But, if so...what would you call this little chunk of Heaven? 
Leave your suggestions, please!


Heidi D said...

Romm, Romm on the Range.

Heidi D said...

Circle R Ranch

Heidi D said...

Room to Romm Acres

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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