

For Realsies...After This I'm Outta Here!

One of my besties, Dani, let me photograph here a few months back.
She is the absolute sweetest gal, and I figured if anyone should
benefit from my experimenting, it should be her.  =)
I know its all the same pose, but I wanted to test different effects on 
this one cause its so comfortable & versatile as far as shots go.
Great gal.  Gorgeous subject!
So, here's what else I've been up to today:

1 comment:

CB said...

You are cracking me up with all of your posts.
I picture you like a little hummingbird - flying around, flapping your wings at 100 mph and doing so many things at once!!

I like the different effects in the photographs. I love high contrast photos and ultra color photos. The one you posted earlier below is just fab - love that effect too.

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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