

June 18th-19th

Campers & future-campers alike, lend me your ear:
Pasco 9th Ward's Ward Camp-Out is COMING!!!!!
Dust off your gear, dig out the sleeping bags, air out the tent and set June 18th-19th aside for the greatest ward campout in 2 years, @ Teancum Timbers!
We will gather at Fairchild for prayer at 5pm, then the camping caravan will depart promptly at 5:15pm.  (If you & your family need to come later, be sure to contact a member of the Activities Committee or Bishopric for directions so you may join the festivities when you can.) Upon arrival, there will be dinner, a ward FHE, & fun memories to be had by all! 
So, be sure to save that weekend for some high-quality time with your immediate family, your ward family, & mother nature.
You won't regret it!

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