

Leaving in just a few minutes....

...for a 5k for this precious cherub, Clara 
(She is two, and fighting for her life as she is up against Stage IV Neuroblastoma - a type of cancer.)

Have not been training.
Pretty much planning a walk-trot-walk strategy.
Even contemplating taking the pugini with so I have an excuse for not going fast.
A cute excuse at that.

Wish us luck!

And if you'd like to help Clara and her family out along side us today, see these links here:

https://apps.facebook.com/fundrazr/activity/f3c0571927e94ce08e7de7b40eec994b  (if you'd like to pitch in towards helping with Clara's medical bills.  it is expected that clara will be at Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane until september or even october.  frankly, they can use all the help we can give them.  my family & i donated.  if you can, would you please?  any amount is welcome.)

http://loveforclara.bbnow.org/index.php  (another way to show your support for Clara is through these cool wristbands.)

Love ya like peanut butter loves jelly!



NaDell said...

It was great to see you! Cute puppies.

Connie said...

She's adorable. It's sad when these little ones have to have challenges in life. What a nice fund raiser. Hope it went well for you!

Valerie said...

I was thinking exactly what Connie said. Adorable little girl. That was so nice of you to participate.

Anonymous said...

She's a doll and events like this that have a special meaning are the best to participate in!!


Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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