

5k for Clara Update

I survived!  Worked a strategy of running the sunshine & walking the shade.
Nice.  Very nice.

Mini-Me & I took both the pugini, Willow, and Hula Hoop to the 5k.  Worked out great.  Hula was in the mood to RUN, and luckily so was Mini-Me.  The halfway point in the route landed in a marina, so Mini-Me was kind and let the leash out long enough for Hula to trot down into the water for the turn, so she was refreshed and ready to finish the last leg at almost full-speed.  Full-Mini-Me-speed, anyhow.

(There's little Willow!  Isn't she the cutest little running companion ever?!  Photo courtesy of my friend Nadell.)
Willow held her own as well.  When we'd walk the shade, she'd look back at me like, "C'mon mom, they're getting away!"  And they did.  Not sure what Hula & Mini's time ended up being, but Willow and I crossed the finish line at just barely over an hour!  (Not bad at all for ZERO prep.)
These are the magic carpets that carried my tired toes through the race.  Total dream!
(I heart these Asics GEL-Enhanced Ultra runners in white/lightening/jellybean...that's right, jellybean - yummy!  They were my reward for a long hard week on my feet in the kitchen at Jr. Grange Camp this year --- they've rescued my otherwise abandoned heels.  They're normally $79.99, but currently on sale for less at Famous Footwear... Go! Buy! Love!)

So many encouraging moments happened along the route, like all the little boys who lined up to high-5 me on my way back past them... and the sweet little cheer squad manning the water station with their Dixie cups of hydration and clapping and more high-5's... but the finish line?!  AWWWWW....the finish line!  That was a lovely place to be.  I've heard friends talk about how cheerful of a place the finish line is, with people who don't even know you still cheering for you.  There were couples, singles, moms & daughters, grandparents, entire families out today.... many strollers, other dogs, and wagons.  Amidst all the cheering when Willow & I crossed the line, I heard people yelling, "YEA!  The FIRST wagon to cross the line!!!"  Made my heart smile ear-to-ear to have witnessed the comradery & the love.  

As if the endorphins from the run weren't enough of a high, the congregation at the finish line made me fall in love with racing.  Not that I was racing really anyone.  Not even myself.  I was just glad to be there.  

Felt good. 

Afterward, I saw my extended family and a TON of friends from throughout the region.  Lots of laughs & hugs were everywhere.  So many people adore Clara & her family.  This 5k was the perfect way for us to monetarily & physically show our support for them!  Makes sense, right?  We can't walk a mile in her shoes exactly, so instead we ran a 5k in her honor!

Greatest family.  Love them.  Love you too, for pitching in where you can with this phenomenal family, who have always been such great examples of living Christ-like lives.

Now, I'm off to bed.  Toodles!

BTW, Mini-Me & I headed to Mickey D's for her victory fish filet sandwich, and my victory ice water.  
Hooray for finishers!!!  :D


2browndawgs said...

What a great way to show support for that precious little girl. Prayers for all of you.

NaDell said...

I'm loving your run in the sun, walk in the shade plan, but what did you do when there were places om the trail with long stretches of sun?
It was great to see you!

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I am so glad you loved it! And the pic of you and Mini-Me? Priceless!


Valerie said...

Great job! How fun to do that together.

S.I.F. said...

Woo Hoo! You are such a rockstar my friend! I'm totally proud of you!

Brittany H said...

That's a good idea! Congrats on running it at all with not prep. Sheeesh lady I would have died. Collapsed right on the road. Not even joking. Love you!

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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