

From the Desk of Sir Linus of Woodbine: URGENT!!!

Thursday, September 2nd, 2010

Dear Sir or Madame of the Ranch,

The Confederation of Gusty Ridge Ranch Critters and I are quite alarmed.  You must excuse my unprofessionalism here, but what in Hades is this?!?
It's just sad that you would take Our Girl away from us during the days, but to bring THIS in is a new low. 

You must not have thought this through all the way.

A Pug-Dachshund?  Puhleeze, that's not even a real dog! 

(Of all breeds, why bring a half-breed pug to The Ranch?  Maybe you hadn't noticed, but it's hard to tell if a pug's coming or going!  Embarrassing is what it is.  And I don't trust two-face critters.  Just sayin.  Might want to sleep with one eye open for awhile, just in case.)

What kind of queen-sissy-pants name is "Willow" anyhow?! 

The Confederation realizes that you must not be aware that giraffe-wrangling isn't as practical on The Ranch as one might initially assume.  (So when you saw that on Willow's resume, you should've moved on.)

Again, we are filing a copy of this with our union rep, who will be in touch with you all shortly. Note that this is not a threat, but an impending strike would be reasonable, considering all The Confederation has had to endure the past 2 days.

Thank you for your time.


Sir Linus of Woodbine

Confederation of Gusty Ridge Ranch Critters Board Chairdog

(On behalf of:  Sullivan, King Tuffy, ESPECIALLY Rodney the Rooster- who dislikes her the most...and EXCLUDING Lady HulaHoop who only wants to roll around with & lick the butt of said pug-dachshund abomination!  It's high-treason! She can move back in the house with you!)


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

That is one dang cute invader!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mCat said...

Oh my CUTE! A pug-dachsund! I'm so puppy hungry now, I'll be back just to look at the cute pic

EYE can make that! said...

Hahaha... you're so funny.
Willow's so cute... I hope she's behaving herself.

S.I.F. said...

Ummm.... I LOVE her! And I'm not even a dog person! So precious!!

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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