

First Day of 8th Grade Mama-Grief

It isn't real...

Mini-Me should not be one-year-from-yesterday-away from walking into the High School as a freshman.

Someone order a straight jacket for me, and about 3 tons of bricks to place on her head so she will stop growing up, please!

(P.S.  She's a doll and I'm the luckiest mom in the world!  I'm just not ready to embrace this part of my baby growing up.  ::pouting::)


Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Uhm, I don't wanna hear about it!
My baby is 19! How did this happen?

What a fun time you must be having with her. How exciting! Hopefully her first day was fabulous.

mCat said...

Oh but it's just getting interesting now! : )

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