Dear Sir or Madame of the Ranch,
For the record, whether you realize it or not, today is a day of great loss. We, the Confederation of Gusty Ridge Ranch Critters, would like to lodge our formal protest of your letting Our Girl go to school!
Who will be here to play with us all day?
There are no other candidates on the Ranch as qualified as Our Girl.
Please note that feeble attempts by other Ranch hands to appease our needs for attention in Our Girl's absence will be boycotted in every way possible.
Our Girl is one of us. How could you let her go?!?
It is appalling that The Ranch stood by while the Confederation had to helplessly watch that big yellow monster swallow Our Girl whole. We weren't even allowed to speak our peace from where we were contained....what happened to Freedom of Speech?
8th grade or not, for the record, what took place this morning was both inhumane & disloyal. And trust that the Confederation KNOWS loyalty!
Be aware of our stance. We are also filing this formal complaint with our union. Their legal team will be contacting you shortly. There may be a strike in the near future.
Thank you for your time.
Sir Linus of Woodbine
Confederation of Gusty Ridge Ranch Critters Board Chairdog

(On behalf of: Lady HulaHoop, Rodney the Rooster, & Sullivan...excluding King Tuffy as that sucker just sat there ignoring the injustice that took place this morning. He can fend for himself!)
That is so hilarious.
I'm pretty sure that a letter of protest such as that one will certainly get the desired response.
She's a cutie!
I now, love your dogs. And yes, I'm sure they are pretty ticked over this latest turn of events.
That was really cute!
Love..Love..Love this one. Now I feel sad for our crew of pets here at the little house in the big woods...for tomorrow these children of mine will be off to school leaving nothing but sorrow in their wake!! I'm sure I'll be doing some heavy duty petting! haha
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