

To Mom or Not To Mom...THAT is the Question!

Lots of reflecting this weekend as the hubby & I slaved in the yard/garden all Saturday (and Daisy spent the day with her Dad & his family). 11 years & 13 months ago I was faced with the decision, to mom or not to mom. I AM SOOOOO GLAD I CHOSE TO BE A MOM! She brings such light into my life. No matter the challenges, she is always my breath of fresh air! For being 17 at the time, I made an extremely wise decision to put myself aside and accept my role as Daisy's mother.

Some, or many, of you may be aware that Mr. LKP was out of town fighting through the barrage of medical appointments necessary for his Med-Board process (to determine under what circumstances he will be detached from the Army) and I had to quickly reverse back into single-mom mentality. Don't get me wrong, I can DO single-mom. In fact, at various points in my life (all the time BEFORE Seth, Annual National Guard Training each summer,
His deployment, 1-2 weeks at a time of Seth on the Wyoming Oilfields for 1 1/2 years, etc.), I've felt that I MASTERED single-momdom! Funny thing about the whole scenario last week was the timing, as I fell ill the second night he was away. So, I was less adept at the only-parent thing this go-round. I love being a mom, but am finding it more difficult as time passes to carry both torches. Daisy isn't a difficult child, and I love being her mom MORE THAN ANYTHING. But I needed to take this opportunity to thank the extra moms who helped us this week as we plugged along, including Jan, and Debi...and MY mom who drove up from Pendleton just to spend a few hours with Daisy until I returned from Othello & Seth got home from Ft. Lewis. You are all phenomenal women who I respect and appreciate more than you will ever know. Reflecting back on the single-mom episodes I realize I never really ever was alone. Heavenly Father knows that many hands make light work, and that I wouldn't be successful without all to be gained from the examples & compassion of other mothers in my life. So, this thank you is extended to ALL MOTHERS who have impacted my life & subsequently the lives of my family. It truly DOES take a village to raise a child (that was true in raising me, and doubly true in raising my family)! Many thanks to each of you, and know how much I love you all!


Anonymous said...

hey i get to post the first comment! how special! i cant wait to see you guys!

much love from rexburg!

Anonymous said...

by the way... im not trying to be secretive. im just retarded and couldnt figure out how to post my comment. sorry.

this is shaneece. not some crazy stalker or something. i promise! haha love you guys!

rip said...

I am also glad you chose to "Mom". Daisy is a cutey and has an awesome mommy!

Paula -- CutieFruity said...

11 years and 13 months?? What kind of math is that? I hope Seth's discharge ends the way you want it to and that Daisy will keep spoiling you every day.

kado! said...

I know exactly what you mean!!!! I'm thankful Everyday that I have my "little" (10years old now) Q in my life & that I am his Mommy! That is one choice that I know I made correctly...without a doubt! =)

& I ♥ me some Jan too...she is a special and wonderful person. (even thought I don't get the opportunity to know her in "real" life...you are LUCKY!) =)

Hope you Mother's Day was Extra Special...and that you are feeling better!

Jan said...

What a story. I know that you did make the world a sunnier place with your presentation of Daisy. She is perfectly named. It was fun to have had her. She blends in with the family well. Wrestled with my oldest, teases my hubs, and puts up fierce competiton in gaming. It all worked.

Glad the week is over for you tough ;)

Take care and thanks for the thanks.

Jodi said...

It does take a village sometimes, doesn't it? We're so lucky to have great friends along with our great families. I'm glad Seth is back home with you and Daisy.

Summer said...

I'm sure you are an amazing mother!! :)
You are such an amzing lady and I just wanted to drop a note to tell you thank you for everything you write on my blog! I get so excited when I see I have a comment from you. everything you say is so helpful, so thank you!
Also thank you for taking care of my missionary! He loves you guys and he told me how the other day your husband offered to take him on a roadtrip to moab, ha ha he said he wanted to take him seriously and wanted to go with you guys so bad!
Hope all is well in Washington and I cant wait to come visit :)

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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