


THE SUN HAS BEEN A-SHININ' HERE & THERE AND SUDDENLY I FEEL ALIVE AGAIN! Not like a drag-out-the-20 lb-pack-and-brave-Alaska kinda alive (though that WAS extremely impressive Marilyn, you've got an awesome guy there!), but more like a "welcome back from hibernation" kind of alive. Am I alone in this? Although I've gotta admit my heart was almost broken to see snowflakes trying to meander down from the skies this afternoon. Spring is on the VERGE OF SPRINGING and apparently they MISSED THE MEMO!!! Inside I was screaming "Go home! What, are you too good for your home?!" (Outside though, I was cool calm & collected of course)...=0)
For those who've been wondering how ROMMADON has been going, it's been busy. Between that & work & church I've barely been able to breathe let alone blog (to some they are synonymous, and then to others the breathing takes second)-however, I've been just holding on. This week alone there has been & will continue to be something each night after work. Tonight I decided enough was enough and I am therefore playing hooky from our stake's Enrichment Fair (Look 4 the Bare Necessities). Kinda sad since I wanted to check it all out (and I despise feeling left out when all the sisters are talking about it at church on Sunday), but tonight would've probably sent me over the edge & voted out of the following departments: Supermom, Best Wife Ever, Sane-Self, & Peaceful Slumber (plus I've had a GINORMOUS headache ever since lunchtime). Hence the stay home and take care of "us" mode. Perhaps staying home tonight will earn me an undisturbed soak in the tub once every fire's finally been put out. We shall see.

FINALLY, in wrapping up the last few days before March roars in, my thoughts are preoccupied with replaying the events & memories of February, my month of kindness...There have been loads of great examples of kindness both received & observed. The most interesting part however of this month's experiment is that the scripture Luke 2:19 is ever present in my mind's eye: "But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart." We know that kindness is yet another of God's tender mercies, therefore its one of His greatest miracles as we also know that the greatest gifts always come from the most humble beginnings. So...I'm still pondering....cliffhanger that it is, I'm still letting it all sink in.....so, STAY TUNED!


Kelsey said...

You should move here. It is not as cold and hardly EVER any snow! Sound like a plan? Tell Seth for me, k? =)

The Evanites Tribe said...

amen! you always say it best! love you

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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