Have you found polyvore.com yet?
Well, let me just say, "Ployvore, where have you been all my life?"
No lie. Love it.
I blame this love-affair on my cousin. Her fault. She introduced us. 'Nuff said.
So, yeah, polyvore.com? It's like paper dolls on crack! And we all know that we secretly miss paper dolls. There's something simply fabulous about unlimited 2-D fashion & design. Completely knocks the socks off of Barbie dolls. Just sayin'.
Paper dolls aside, this is THE best fix for a habitual collager, like myself! My mother can verify that I was a fiend for magazines + scissors + paste, glue sticks, scotch tape, OR even rubber cement for practically my entire young life. Notebooks, folders, construction paper, phone books, textbook covers - nothing was sacred!
For the record, you should also know that I'm not one who ever needs a shopping fix. Cause I can't ever fit into the clothes at the store anyhow, therefore I cringe at the idea of recreational shopping.
Instead of being a serious marathon shopper, I'm more like a make-ya-laugh-until-you-pee-your-pants kinda shopper. Here's evidence to prove the trouble I stir up when out retailing:
Told ya. I need professional help.
Anyhow, back to polyvore.com, this site beats the pants off shopping in person for me since I don't stress about proper-fit, as it's more like a game... or like a puzzle. And shoot, it's less depressing cause if I'm just not feeling the ensemble, then I wipe my canvas clean or I tinker with stuff until it's TOTALLY my personality. No more worries like this, "Gosh that would be so cute IF the store had this other item in my size... or color... or, what do you mean my size is back-ordered at the vendor's warehouse?!"
The other great part is I'm able to identify what pieces I desperately need or am madly in love with. So when I do have to replenish the wardrobe (or buy new due to my increasing waistline) then I can get in, get what I'm loving, and get out! Now that's my idea of shopping.
Another benefit is for those of us who haven't the sharpest memory anymore. I need post-it notes on EVERYTHING these days! Therefore I even need reminders even of what I like.
Get me in a store and I'm a deer in the headlights. ZWOOSH! My memory's completely swept away, and I have been known to be found mumbling to myself & drooling slightly, in a very anti-cute way.
Therefore, I love these little polyvore boards/sets with a quick link for them saved to the homescreen of my smarter-than-me phone.
If I find myself struck dumb, I can at least press some buttons & ...presto-change-o!... produce visual images that a sales associate can help me identify on the floor. Kinda like those large "point-to" menus at MickeyD's? Yep, same concept.
The other thing I love about it is the brilliant resource it's become for my LKP photog clients!
Polyvore makes communicating wardrobe & styles for shoots so much more concise. My clients can whip up some polyvore sets of their own, that way I can encourage or discourage some of their selections. Saves time & tears, compared to waiting UNTIL the shoot to find out that things are clashing or are all wrong! Not to mention there's, now, no longer the need for me to crash their inner-sanctums or to raid closets in order to help. Everyone's bubbles are safe, intact, and people are insanely happy about this (mostly me)!
Alas, poor Pinterest will just have to wait, until I'm less-fascinated with this new time-suck.
Go ahead, click on the link to polyvore.com.... you know your interest is peaked. :)
Well look at you! I can only imagine the FUN you and I could cause by shopping together!
Yes I have used it, but it has been years...lol. It can be addicting.
I hadn't heard of it, but now thanks to you, I'm pretty sure I have more stuff to waste my time over.
Your shopping..........sorta looks red-light"ish" if ya know what I mean.
OK, now you've got me interested... I'm pretty sure you and I have the exact same shopping styles my friend! ;)
That IS a fun site.
Wouldn't it be super duper great, if we could just "click" on the outfits we like
tell them our size
and whammooo.....it comes to us UPS or something.
It would be a great way to shop for sure.
I'd look GREAT (tee,hee)
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