
A Royal Handout

This week in Beehives, we'll be discussing the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and hopefully helping them realize how intricate each girl's role is in preparing for the Savior's return.  (YW Manual 1 - Lesson #29 "The Second Coming")

Sadly, I see my young girls stuck in predicaments & battling to overcome circumstances which I didn't have to face until I was almost out of High School!  ...and with those battles, it's their self-esteem which sustains the most fatal blows.

Considering how volatile self-worth at ages 12 & 13 can be, and almost certainly has become since I was that young, this lesson couldn't come at a better time, in my humble opinion.

All that said, I'm very excited about the handout I've been able to put together this week!
(It gives me hope, especially when feeling very helpless as to how I can reach these girls.) 

Now, I know I'm not going to save every kid in this generation one handout at a time... I mean really, how can a piece of paper vanquish the adversary's fiery darts?

But, it's not really the paper that empowers my girls, it's the priceless messages on the paper.  I understand that.  However, bonus points for attractiveness, right?!  If it looks good, then chances are greater that the message will stick with them.  At least that's my prayer. 

Therefore, I apologize if any readers out there are bored with all the handout ideas lately.  Note: I'm apologizing for your boredom, NOT for continuing to share my ideas.  They're not going to cease & desist anytime soon.

We've all been blessed with talents + we have been commanded to cultivate & develop those talents.  I suppose that's what I'm finally realizing and appreciating here, that Heavenly Father has a purpose and a need for my mild-mannered talent.  If those little slips of paper (of His messages, garnished with all the love in my heart) help further His Kingdom, then so be it.

Doctrine & Covenants 87:8 teaches us this: "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen."

When I'm designing and perfecting layout ideas for His Word, it feels like I am in a holy place.
Really, in creativity?  Most definitely, yes!

May sound strange, but when I'm about His work in this manner, I feel as though I'm am sitting in His hands.  Does that make as much sense out of my head as it did inside of my head?

One of my favorite songs goes like this:

"Give me your eyes for just one second
Give me your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me your love for humanity
Give me your arms for the broken-hearted
Ones that are far beyond my reach.
Give me your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me your eyes so I can see."
(Brandon Heath -"Give Me Your Eyes")

When I'm creating these handouts, I feel that Heavenly Father is by my side, answering this prayer by guiding me to spiritually reach beyond what I can physically do.  Through this He's helping me to see where I am fulfilling a further depth to my purpose in preparing the way for the return of His Son, Jesus Christ.

I'd say I've discovered a pretty great lesson for myself this week, even if no girls show up to class.

Feel free to use the printables below.  They were designed to be printed on a bold color of cardstock (like a royal blue or indigo), and for a more detailed cut-out than previous handouts. Hope it helps however possible!
A Royal Generation 4perPG


wendy said...

Well, I believe you are inspired by all the little things you do for these girls.
Yes, their lives are certainly different and more challenging then MINE was at that age.
Such a hard time.
And yes.....it all starts with ONE LITTLE HAND OUT AT A TIME.
You just never no
so we/you keep doing

Doodlestreet said...

Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog. I'm always so touched when my art affects people in such a positive way. You are so kind and thoughtful to share that with me. Thank you!!!!

mCat said...

We SO need you to come serve in our YW. Our bunch right now are seriously the most interesting I have ever seen in all my years. Feral cats they are. Feral!

We need someone like you to be able to herd them in.

Great job

Just Karen said...

Is there any way of downloading this handout without logging in to Facebook?


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