

Birthday Surprise 2011

I'd say this was just about the most perfect 14th birthday surprise, for a girl who when she was a toddler went missing in the Disney Store one day.  When I found her she as completely immersed (literally) in the sea of Disney stuffed animals at the back of the store, à la E.T. style.  I told her she needed to get out of there, and she promptly responded, "But Mom, I BEWONG here!"  
What should be known about this situation is that her grandparents, her dad, her Aunt, Mr LKP & I have been planning this for the past 6 months!  Mini-Me's Aunt now lives about 30 minutes from Disneyland, so the opportunity for a visit was too ideal, and Mini-Me's grandparents wanted to take her before she was too old for it to be cool.  Lol.  So, we've kept it all a HUGE secret since January.  Let it also be known that not only were we all totally amped, and therefore found it hard to keep the secret, but it was even MORE difficult not to be able to hold it over her head, as in, "If you don't clean your room or get good grades then NO DISNEYLAND!!!"  That part was most rough on us parents. 
But we all did great.

Mini-Me was under the impression that her grandpa had to go out of town on business, so we were meeting him to give hugs before he left, and then she would be spending the week with her grandma in order to keep her company.  This is how we got her bags packed properly, since she'd been anticipating swimming at the country club she had her suit.  She also had been planning on taking a mini-trip to Spokane or Seattle for some girl time & school shopping, so she packed some non-scrubby clothes.  Since Grandma HAS all the necessary toiletries, we didn't have to stress over TSA regulations too much, so nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

The last report we got from her grandparents was that they are at the beach today.  
Tomorrow they'll be at the Magic Kingdom....
for THE best firework show to celebrate THE best kid's birthday!  
Happy Birthday, tomorrow, U.S.A. & Mini-Me!!:)  

The 4th of July is SUPER important on the Ranch.  Without our amazing country & her freedoms, we'd be enslaved.  Without our amazing daughter, we'd be lost.

Happy Independence Day 2011, everyone!


CB said...

Hello BEST surprise on the face of the planet!!!!
That is way tooo awesome for words - I love that you kept it a secret for so long!!!

Happy Birthday to Miss MIni-Me!!

Happy 4th of July!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah - seriously that is THE BEST birthday surprise forever - something she will ALWAYS cherish.

Well done!


Valerie said...

What an awesome way to celebrate! Happy Birthday Mini-Me!
(Um...when does a surprise trip to Disneyland become uncool? I totally missed that memo~ hope I haven't been embarassing myself!)

Kim said...

Congrats on keeping such a big secret! Mini-Me will have an amazing time :)

Connie said...

That is totally awesome to keep it a secret and have her so surprised! What a great birthday present!

Valerie said...

Happy belated birthday to your beautiful daughter! What a super-fun birthday surprise for her. I'm positive she loved every minute of it. My kids would be so jealous if I told them---so I definitely won't. :)
I don't know how you kept it a secret. A few years ago, I planned a little trip with my kids up to Boise to visit my sister and her hubby and had the hardest time not talking to them about it.

2browndawgs said...

Catching up after vacation. What a great surprise! Kudos for pulling it off! I hope Mini-Me had a fabulous birthday and a great time at the Magic Kingdom!

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