

Not a Toot on the Horn

I just needed to document something.

Sent a note to a friend's kid who's currently at boot camp.
Got a wild hair, and decided to sketch him a little picture.

Now, know that he's a Marine Recruit, so I mean c'mon!
No amount of Strawberry Shortcake sketches will suffice.
This sketch needed to be incredibly macho.

At a loss for any great cartoony ideas in my own head,
I traveled to Google Images for some inspiration.

Instead, I got just. what. I. needed.

Again this is for documentation purposes only.  I usually
keep a copy of what I draw if I can help it.  A lot of these little
things wind up in a fat file in my filing cabinet for when I really
need 'em.  Why or when would I really need them?
Well, I like to remind myself that I can do things, and that
I do have talents.  Helps when I'm feeling low to remember
what I've tackled.

So below is the inspiration, followed by the finished product.

Looking at 'em together, I can see that I missed the
blood-shot in the eyes.  And mine's a little skinnier.
But all in all, I'm kind of a big fan of my bulldog!  ;)
(Psshaww!  Who needs a spiffy, round United Marine Corps border anyhow?  Not this girl.)

Thanks for bearing with me.
Now you can go back to your regularly-scheduled lives!


terramisu said...

Cool Beans! Love it! My file system usually is my blog. If I wanna know how I did a project last year, I can look it up on my bloggie!

Lisa Loo said...

I do this too--so handy. But what I really wanted to say was WOW--you got talent girlfriend! I have always coveted that talent. So not in my skill set. Stick figures are a challenge.....

Connie said...

You're an artist! That is totally awesome! I'm sure the marine will be one happy guy to get a letter and a bulldog!
What a gift!

CB said...

Great job chickie! I think that kid will be excited to see the bulldog on his letter!
You are talented - I can't even draw a stick figure to save my life!

ericksonzone said...

I love it! Thanks for sharing. I've recently been reading about our talents and we need to discover what they are and develop them. That is so cool that you can draw like that. And BTW, reading your blog is part of my regularly scheduled life. :)

Nikki said...

Hey Chickadee, Wow!!! You've got talent! I'm sure it's going to brighten up his day when he gets your letter.
The other day a mum from dancing was asking where the girls came at on of the dance Eisteddfods, so I looked it up on my blog.... it's a great reference.
p.s If you lived closer (like in the same country) I'd so throw you a birthday party :)
I can't sign into with blogger ID... but it's me Nikki xx

S.I.F. said...

Way to go friend! I'm impressed! I can't draw a straight line with a ruler!

Chels said...

Dude. That's impressive! Everything living thing I draw has sticks for arms and legs. :)

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