

The Eagle Has Landed

What an adventure already! Has been eventful in all the most unexpected ways. But the wedding reception is all wrapped up, beautifully I might add... Mini-Me is happily staying the night at her best friend's house (for the first sleepover in YEARS, might I add)...and now that it's almost tomorrow, I've finally arrived in the Garden of Egan! These are what were waiting for me (and Mini-Me had she been with me...phew!)...Tauna is sooo wonderful, and thoughtful, and a good listener! Feels good to finally be here. Just wish Mr LKP was here too. I miss him, plus he'd really get along well with Tauna & her husband too! Ok. I promise, less words the rest of the weekend. Ciao!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Isn't Tauna and Howie wonderful?!?!?! I will never forget when I met her. She greeted me with open arms and most of all without reservation. I can't wait to see her again. Our dang schedules just haven't allowed it.

Glad you have a wonderful time so far. Continue to have a wonderful adventure.

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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