

Nothing But Net

I am not in the least bit a fan of basketball
...unless I'm court-side.

And I'm not a fisher-woman
...unless I'm holding a rod & reel.

But THESE, other nets, I'm behind 100%!

Crystal, over at Little Bit Funky, has been brilliantly inspired & making a difference in this world through Nothing But Nets.

These nets are to prevent the devastation left in Malaria's wake.  The most impacted by the disease is Africa.

No better way to say this than how NBN's campaign website states it: "Simply put, malaria kills. Nets can save lives."  It is figured that insecticide-treated bed nets are the best form of prevention.  One net can cover a family for up to 4-5 years.  The insecticide actually kills the mosquitoes so other families who do not have the nets can reap some benefits as well.  Please visit the links & learn more about these nets.

"How is Little Bit Funky helping out?," you may ask.  Well, to encourage the rest of us to purchase a net to be donated to the cause, she's holding a quilt raffle.  Each net is $10.  Pocket change for us compared to the financial impossibility to those facing Malaria first hand either in their homes, their families, or their communities.  Each purchased net is an entry in LBF's quilt raffle.  And let me tell ya, this quilt is quite lovely, and Crystal made this masterpiece on her own, specifically to help the Nothing But Nets campaign.  Now Crystal's labor of love is one for all of humanity.

What a compassionate, Christ-like thing to do....reach out and help others.  It's what we should all be doing, as His disciples.  WWJD?  Could the answer be more obvious?

Please pay LBF's blog a visit, in addition to learning more at nothingbutnets.net, and please help spread the word.  1 million lives will be lost to Malaria this year.....90% of those are from Africa...most of those victims are children...that's 1 child's death from Malaria every 30 seconds.

Please help however you can.

1 comment:

Heidi D said...

That's so cool. I'll have to go over there and check it out. That quilt is beautiful too!

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