

My Name is LKP, and I am an Addict...

to Jane Shimmering Bronzer in Sedona! SADDEST NEWS EVER FOR MY FELLOW JANE ADDICTS: Walgreen's will no longer be carrying the Jane line. Currently all Jane products are orange-tagged. Rumors are circulating that some Rite-Aid locations are still carrying the line (I'll be checking into that one very very soon), and scattered Wal-Marts as well (though none in the TC's to speak of at this time). So, if there's a fav Jane product you have, go stock up before its too late, or start looking for a replacement for that product! Best of wishes on your adventures (my Bestie and I cleared out 3 local Walgreen's of Sedona tonight)! Not trying to be materialistic & vain here, but this is a moment of beauty grief for me. I've loved Jane cosmetics since the company's inception 15 years ago.


Jan said...

Luckily I have never heard of it. But for you, it is sad to loose a dear friend. Hope you find your replacement. Bummer.

Heidi D said...

I always liked Jane in high school. Then it totally disappeared. I'll look and see if they carry it in Spokane for ya.

LKP said...

thanks Heidi! I may have to travel up there to restock, but i'm good with that idea. =) matter of fact we're thinking of spending a little spring break time in spokane...a friend told me there's a store i need to check out...something & barry's? can't remember the name. what else is good there? i haven't been in years!

Jodi said...

I hate it when something I love is discontinued. I hope you find something just as worthy of your love and commitment. :)

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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