

Dog-Days of Summer Have Arrived on the Ranch

So where are our newbie chickens seeking refuge?
On my chaise lounge chair!


Where is Sullivan seeking refuge?
On the back of my couch... in my clean laundry!


Where are Hula Hoop & Willow taking refuge?
They're sacked out in front of the TV!


....and where are we, you ask?

Mini-Me's back at her crazy summer sports schedule. 
So we're at volleyball practice
softball tournaments
prepping for Trek!


Wish us luck.  ::hugs::


2browndawgs said...

Snoozing sounds like a good idea! I guess you are too busy for any of that? Maybe when Fall rolls around....

Valerie said...

They sure have the life. hehe Good luck!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

I want to be one of your pets.
They look pretty darn comfy.
The birds???? Not sure I could handle them in the chaise.

Sounds like you are so busy. Are you all going on Trek?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind enjoying your chaise lounge!

Trek will be awesome!!


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