

Oh the Places You'll Go!

... like to a 24 hr laundromat

... in the sketchy east-side of a town, just one town over

... past 10 o'clock on a saturday night

... after a seriously hard week, filled with running to:
  • 3 days of basketball practice +
  • 2 afternoons at the batting cages +
  • 3 evenings of softball games +
  • night volleyball practices +
  • jr. grange camp counselor training +
  • 3 days of a summer basketball tournament (approx. 180 miles round-trip each day)
... just to wash a filthy sleeping bag from last season

... for a kid who'll soon be playing her guts out at basketball camp

... and who'll be loving every digusting, sweaty minute of it

... over 130 miles away from home

... and who's turning out to be not as much of a kid anymore.

Oh the places you'll go... as a mom!
At least the trucker husband was finally home, to tag along for a late-night domestic adventure. :)

"Oh, the places you'll go! 
There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored.  
There are games to be won.
And the magical things you can do with that ball
will make you the winning-est winner of all."  
-Dr. Seuss


2browndawgs said...

That is some schedule! After being so busy, I guess you will have quiet, (maybe too much quiet) for a bit.

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Oh, you reminded me of me last weekend. I was with a dead washing machine and 10 loads of laundry! Eek.

Awesome that your handsome hubby would do that for a hot date night.

How did Daisy grow up so stinking fast? No way can she go 130 miles away from home for a camp.

Can you get just a little bit busier, cause I'm thinking that you might be watching too many soap operas.

Hugs and loves!

Anonymous said...

You are one dedicated Momma! And if the laundromat was empty in the middle of the night with trucker husband home, tell me you got a little frisky ! " )


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