

Party On Party People Let Me Hear Some Noise

...LKP's in the house, jump jump, and rejoice!
Tonight. rocked.
A picture speaks 1000 words, right?
So, I'll let the images speak for themselves.

(So, I've been totally enamored by & secretly coveting a super punch shot, however tonight Lisa & I hit the jackpot and scored our very own KungFu Panda kick!!!!!  Thank you, Darin & Kevin!)

"...There's a party over here, a party over there.  Wave your hands in the air, shake your deriere!"

(P.S. I soooo double-heart our crew meet-ups!!!  They de-stress me the same way volleyball does!)


ericksonzone said...

Very cool! Love the kick shot!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Fabulous pictures!!!!!

CB said...

Ok so how did these people get guns and face masks? Did they point them at you and then you pointed your camera and they realized they were busted so they just went with the moment...Americas next Most Wanted!

Fabulous shots!! I especially love the last one!!!

LKP said...

there were some in the photo crew that had military gear....and a model (my brother) had his gear as well. so we mixed & matched. the crew called it our "combat promie" shoot. lol.
it was a rush getting to experiment with a little more edgy approach in the studio. that was actually my first studio shoot ever. had a blast!
thanks oodles. might have to toss some of my pals' shots as they start trickling in. it's awesome fun to see all the different perspectives on the same set-ups. =)

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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