Not quite a baseball field which MANY of us members of Pasco Stake gathered for this evening. Nope, not a single ball or leather mitt to be seen. We gathered instead for the groundbreaking of the new "Parley Building" Stake Center. It'll be a neat place indeed. Story has it, the area in which it will be built had originally had the streets all planned with a wine/winery theme. Awkward is right! Lol. A member of the Stake Presidency helped pursuade the developers to allow a few streets to be altered in respect for the building & its nature. One street was named Far West, another was Parley (hence the Parley Building) in honor of Church History & the evicted saints of Nauvoo. Our thoughts were directed towards the examples of complete sacrifice & obedience of the early saints. From their legacy may our own be blessed as we turn our thoughts, heart, & feet squarely to the Lord, never wavering or looking back! This is an exciting time to live on earth and to be standing in our very special places & roles in life. During the dedicatory prayer, my mind was turned to the commandment "stand ye in holy places." When the ground was declared sacred & holy, chills literally swept through my body. It was soooo awesome, and brought tears to my eyes. I'm so grateful to have been there with my family, for its on holy ground that we should have our foundations established. Easily I could have said, "Nah. Work was too much today. It's just a building." But that's just it, it will be a GLORIOUS building. One that will grow & expand, just as the Gospel has throughout the world...just as I have spiritually throughout my life...just as our little family has grown together...and our dependence on the Lord! All of those things will CONTINUE to build, this I know. Not even 30 minutes had passed from the conclusion of the dedicatory prayer & groundbreaking ceremony, and it ALREADY felt like a special place. Being there felt like such a treat as we were all gathered together happily visiting. It felt familiar, like home! Several people walked the sidewalk of the surrounding streets, cheerful & waving. Old friends, new friends...all friends, gathered in one purpose. Tonight almost felt as though we were in a time long gone, as if we ourselves were given a small glimpse as to what it was like to be in Nauvoo so long ago. Tonight you could reach out & touch Zion! This WILL be a GLORIOUS building experience...appears that it already IS!
That's really cool. I think you are very right about chaneling times gone by. You get to feel just a peice of what our ancestors felt.
Separate note. Everything in your comments, strait out of my life! I just about jumped out of my seat when you mentioned first perfume. Followed by Electric Youth. :) To bad I didn't live in Pasco. I bet we would have had fun. :) Maybe we saw each other at old are you? I get the feeling you might be younger than me. I'm turning 31 this year. {sigh}
my personal opinion...They should have kept the street names as they had planned....They drank wine in the times of Jesus and they are just words! (plus red wine is healthy for your heart♥! =) but....glad for you that you like the change...and are so happy about the new building!
That's really cool. I think you are very right about chaneling times gone by. You get to feel just a peice of what our ancestors felt.
Separate note. Everything in your comments, strait out of my life! I just about jumped out of my seat when you mentioned first perfume. Followed by Electric Youth. :) To bad I didn't live in Pasco. I bet we would have had fun. :) Maybe we saw each other at old are you? I get the feeling you might be younger than me. I'm turning 31 this year. {sigh}
Thanks for this post. We were unable to be there and this made me feel like I was there. It sounds like it was a special night.
my personal opinion...They should have kept the street names as they had planned....They drank wine in the times of Jesus and they are just words! (plus red wine is healthy for your heart♥! =) but....glad for you that you like the change...and are so happy about the new building!
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