
Long-Overdue Story@Home Blogger Dinner Pics

I'm an awful friend for not getting this on here sooner.  Rule of the event was pretty much that HUGS WOULD ABOUND.  But here are all the lovely women whom I've had the awesome privilege of sharing life experiences & sharing an outrageously awesome Biaggi's meal with (thanks for planning it Cherie!  And thanks for suggesting the Story@Home conference, Tauna!  And thanks everybody else for being there & putting up with my loud-mouthiness + my PIA diet!):
(Sorry it's blurry Kazzy, but it's the only one of you & I.)

To my all sweet blog-sisters, thank you a million times over!  Sorry I haven't linked anyone up here.  Eventually I'll have that fixed.  Just my head's Jell-O right about now.  Feel free to snag whatever pics you want, ladies.  If you want any full-res of any of these images, just email me or holler here. 

(Any and all other pics from the rest of the Story@Home adventure in March are still coming, along with a narration of our hijinx.  Even involves GINORMOUS pickles!  Just trying to not get overwhelmed.  So thanks for continuing to bear with me!)



mCat said...

The last pic is my favorite. Simply because I love you!!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Yay! That was a fun dinner. And so much fun to meet you guys!

Valerie said...

It was great to remember this fun night again. :) And strangely, I haven't worn that shirt for weeks, but I'm wearing it right now. haha

Hope you get to feeling better soon!

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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