
In More Ways Than I Can Count...

...we've been blessed.

I know I promised a post about Story@Home, and all my adventures in SLC.  But life's thrown nothing but curve balls for the last 6 weeks.  All of which has made me extremely exhausted, yet grateful at the same time.

To quantify it all in words & pics is an overwhelming idea right now.  But the full story will come.  As will the long awaited details from Salt Lake... and Spring Break... and the accident.

Know that we're alive & doing okay. 

Know that Heavenly Father has, and is continuing to cradle us in His hands.

More to come, I promise.

(Sunday's evidence of God's great power)
"Whenever I hear the song of a bird
Or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
Or the wind as it rushes by,
Whenever I touch a velvet rose
Or walk by a lilac tree,
I'm glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heavenly Father created for me.

He gave me my eyes that I might see
The color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear
The magical sound of things.
He gave me my life, my mind, my heart:
I thank him reverently
For all his creations, of which I'm a part.
Yes, I know Heavenly Father loves me."

("My Heavenly Father Loves Me" by Clara W. McMaster)


wendy said...

Oh Dear, an accident. What happened. Regardless, I am glad you are all well.
and I love that song........it is simplisticaly sweet

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

Hope you get feeling better soon!
So stinkin' sorry.

I love Daisy's prom pictures. What a beautiful girl.

NaDell said...

I love that picture! Beautiful!
Keep resting!

2browndawgs said...

I have been wondering how you have been doing. :)

Karen Mello Burton said...

I have felt so incredibly blessed lately also. It is amazing! Hope you are well.

Valerie said...

Been hoping you are okay with no recent posts. Glad to hear you are alive. :) That photo is totally amazing!

Spread Your Love For the Gusty Ridge Ranch


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